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Riverview IU6 Recognizes Policy Leader in Stem Education ::


Screenshot at Mar 12 10-15-23CLARION, Pa. (EYT) – Kelsi Wilcox Boyles, Education Program Specialist of Riverview Intermediate Unit, has been accepted as one of 19 ambassadors in the Pennsylvania STEM Ambassador Program.

This program aims to shape the future of STEM education in the commonwealth by targeting vital policy conversations to legislative leadership in the areas of STEM Learning ecosystems, computer science, state and federal policy for formal and informal education, and workforce needs.

PA STEM Ambassadors met for an inaugural training session on Monday, February 28, and Tuesday, March 1 at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology to receive advocacy training from state and national leaders in the field.

The Riverview Intermediate Unit 6 is committed to building a STEM Ecosystem in our region through

RIU6 supports Career Ready PA, Remake Learning Days, Computer Science for All, and the PA Rural Robotics Initiative.

A learner, teacher, leader, and connector, Kelsi joined the IU team in 2014 and takes pride in connecting regional educators, students, and their families to quality resources and initiatives. Kelsi serves as a PAIU STEM Leadership team member, Remake Learning Days Northwest PA organizer, Pennsylvania PBS Western PA Lead, Facilitator, CMU CS Academy Facilitator, and a Common Sense Education Ambassador.

Representing leaders and emerging leaders in corporate, PreK-12 and higher education, and afterschool programs from 15 counties, PA STEM Ambassadors have agreed to invest 10 months in training and policy development to share expertise and content knowledge with influential stakeholders to help develop a stronger voice in shaping STEM education policy issues.

Steven Williams, associate director of the Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool/Youth Development Network (PSAYDN) explained, “The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is a leader in STEM and, to maintain that edge, we must develop leaders to advocate for bipartisan support in advancing, impactful STEM education policies.

“The PA STEM Ambassadors are vital to shaping STEM education and workforce policies. They played a role in shaping PAsmart and the landscape of STEM Learning Ecosystems.”

Kelsi said, “My goal is to provide opportunities for ALL of our students – rural students, students with learning disabilities, girls in STEM – to pique their interest and lead to a pathway for their future. I am very excited to begin my work as a PA STEM Ambassador and to represent Riverview IU6 and to be an advocate for our students, educators, and families.”

PSAYDN collaborated with the Education Policy and Leadership Center (EPLC), the national STEM Education Coalition, the Afterschool Alliance, 2018 National STEM Ambassador Jeff Remington, and staff from the Pennsylvania Department of Education and Pennsylvania Department of Labor to provide training support to the ambassadors. This year, STEM Ambassadors will have an option of a leadership track as well.

About Riverview Intermediate Unit 6

Riverview Intermediate Unit #6 (RIU6) is a regional educational service agency supporting the needs of the public and nonpublic schools in Clarion, Jefferson, Forest, and Venango counties and parts of five others. RIU6 is one of 29 intermediate units across the state of Pennsylvania that provides support programs, training, and therapy services to schools in its region. Most known for Special Education and Professional Development, the RIU6 team aims to be the premier provider of training, consultation, and technical support to our local schools, while acting as a liaison to PA Department of Education and Harrisburg. More information is available at


Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool/Youth Development Network (PSAYDN) promotes sustainable, high-quality out-of-school time youth development programs through advocacy and capacity building to enhance the welfare of Pennsylvania’s children, youth, and families. PSAYDN believes all children and youth deserve access to programs that encourage positive youth development and support the successful transition to adulthood. PSAYDN is managed by the Center for Schools and Communities. More information is available at

This content was originally published here.

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