News, Jobs and Higher Education

Unemployment and African Americans – Blacks need Jobs


African Americans consist of over 41.4 million in the United States. They being the second largest minority have employed themselves mostly in management, science, sales, business and arts occupations. It was found that black women are more into these sectors as compared to black men. With all these facts we discovered that still black Americans have 10.1% unemployment rate and if we see the graph below it illustrates the increasing trends in tenure as compared to other ethnic groups:

Moreover Black Americans have a double unemployment rate as compared to whites, though after February 2014 there has been a decrease in unemployment but the better economy hasn’t worked more beneficially for the blacks. Whenever the progress over economy takes place this minority has the least progress and it works against them briskly whenever the recession starts. In both the sides they are being affected the most. Since we were looking to read details we find some reasons for this cause:

Basically black’s working force employ themselves in lower-wage industries which have the most turnover rates. The degree of uncertainty is more which keeps many blacks out of employment for several months or years. Though US government has made discrimination illegal but still blacks find it hard to completely dismiss that race has no effect on their employment. They possess the same potential as compared to other races but still simple things like their name and complex made them hold back. Moreover the 9/11 incidents made a huge difference as many black Americans were thought to be the conspiring hand, many movedand looked for shelter. A lot looked for new employment and many had lost their trust over the white community. It was quite touching to know that black men age between 40-50 don’t think of having retirement and making new house or even buying a comfortable ride, what they focus on is to survive and remain intact to the present job.


A lot of Black People are looking for new employment and many had lost their trust over the white community. It was quite touching to know that black men age between 40-50 don’t think of having retirement or even buying a comfortable ride, what they focus on is to survive and remain intact to the present job. As the above graphs represent that during the season of 2014 the rate of unemployment stayed above 10% while whites were way below them. If we talk about the recent studies held we can see the graphs of wages have drop for African Americans (Black Americans) by 45 cents and as compared to whites and other ethnic groups there was an increase of 48 cents in wages in last fifteen years.

Last of the facts I want to share is that the jobs did increase over the past five years, there was an increase in the job market for black and figure touched to 2.3 million and if we see the black employment rate it went from 52 percent to 54 percent, as compared to whites their job market increased about 3.8 million. They got an increase of 3.4 percent. So we can interpret that jobs did increase and so does the ratio but not as compared to the whites there still lays a gap that needs to be covered up. It can only happen with time and spirit which human being contains. Lastly a quote that which makes the equality which humans should have:

“If we cannot now end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity”
(John F. Kennedy)


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